Published on 07/20/2017 6:17 am

No doubt, there’re a lot of things to do in Israel, but what about those things that you should stay away from doing when traveling the Holy Land? If you really want to enjoy your visit to Israel, you must want to avoid doing these below mentioned things.

Don’t make stupid jokes about having a hidden bomb or weapon, or try to go  MacGyvero on the Israeli security & immigration staff upon entry in Israel. They may ask you tons of questions and if you get stupid they might even throw you in the jail.

Don’t wax or shave your bottom areas if you want to head to the Dead Sea. Well, floating in the Dead Sea is an absolute pleasure, but there is a huge amount of salt percentage in the sea, and it’ll burn severely the open pores in your body.

trip to Israel

Don’t concentrate exclusively on felafel & hummus as your food staples in Israel. There’re a great number of food options available today, encompassing affordable & cheerful delights like  shwarma,  shakshuka, and  jachnun, plus other deserts such as

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Published on 07/06/2017 8:28 am

The enchanting city of Jerusalem attracts over a million of Christian visitors each year because of its numerous churches, monasteries, holy sites and Christian institutions. It is believed that Jerusalem is closely intertwined with Jesus’ history as described in the Bible. Jerusalem has gained a great significance as, amongst its many attributes, it was the place where Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and ascended. All of this, and more, is part of what makes this city so attractive to Christian Pilgrims every year.

Here are some holy sites of Jerusalem, which you can explore on your Christian trip to Israel

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#1- Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is identified as the place where the crucifixion took place, and where the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth is located. This site is considered to be a major pilgrimage center for Christians all around the world. This site will prove to be a great visit for understanding both

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Published on 06/28/2017 10:59 am

Thousands of tourists every year embark on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land-Israel with a desire in their heart to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The Holy Land- Israel is the ultimate destination for an individual who is seeking a connection to the roots of their faith. You can rely on a reliable tour operator to enjoy a guided Christian trip to Israel that will help in visiting some significant Christian sites of Israel in a convenient and comfortable way.

Here are some of the popular Christian sites that will give you a brief idea and importance about different sites, please have a look!

1. Sea Of Galilee:

Israel’s largest freshwater lake- the Sea of Galilee is not only known for its significance in the New Testament but also considered as the primary source of drinking water. According to the gospels, the famous Sea of Galilee is the place where Jesus would minister to the people of Israel. It is also believed that Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount on a small hill that is located on

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Published on 04/22/2017 11:16 am

VIP trips to Israel are a luxury option for families and high class individuals who want to enjoy a private tour with first-class accommodation, transportation, sightseeing and more. Everyone from diplomats and politicians to students and families can go for it with the essential guidance and exceptional arrangements that would lead to maximum comfort and convenience. The private tour agencies organizing VIP tour service make sure that customers experience the best moments of meeting people, visiting sites, enjoying culture, food and more. Their trips begin with custom itineraries and meaningful options without any restriction on tour time and sites. The VIP trips to Israel are the only way for tourists to satisfy all the wishes they have in mind with an assured reduction in travel time and hassle. They can be extended to any distance locations that tourists like to visit in the safest and most comfortable manner.


 VIP trip to Israel comes arranged with luxury accommodation,

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Published on 03/27/2017 9:32 am

Israel is one of the most spiritually significant and contentious places on the Earth that basks of having an incredible variety of landscapes and cultures. Here you can choose fascinating places to visit and have the utmost fun by partying hard in Tel Aviv or considering a pilgrimage trip to Jerusalem. The small yet beautiful Israel has a great wealth of unique attractions such as sacred sites of the Land of the Bible, absorbing museums, distinctive architecture, dynamic culture, sun-soaked beaches and breathtaking surroundings.

Here is the list of the fascinating places that you can explore on a well planned Israel holiday trip, which will enhance your travel experience:


1. Jerusalem:

The Jerusalem is considered as one of the oldest cities in the world, where you can find three major monotheistic religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Full of significant historical, educational and religious sites, Jerusalem attracts religious pilgrims from all around the world. Some of the

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