Published on07/20/2017 6:17 am

No doubt, there’re a lot of things to do in Israel, but what about those things that you should stay away from doing when traveling the Holy Land? If you really want to enjoy your visit to Israel, you must want to avoid doing these below mentioned things.

Don’t make stupid jokes about having a hidden bomb or weapon, or try to go  MacGyvero on the Israeli security & immigration staff upon entry in Israel. They may ask you tons of questions and if you get stupid they might even throw you in the jail.

Don’t wax or shave your bottom areas if you want to head to the Dead Sea. Well, floating in the Dead Sea is an absolute pleasure, but there is a huge amount of salt percentage in the sea, and it’ll burn severely the open pores in your body.

trip to Israel

Don’t concentrate exclusively on felafel & hummus as your food staples in Israel. There’re a great number of food options available today, encompassing affordable & cheerful delights like  shwarma,  shakshuka, and  jachnun, plus other deserts such as

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